The Heritage Foundation on Marriage

I wish that I had found this sooner, but it remains relevant. Here is a brief pamphlet by the Heritage Foundation on what a marriage actually is, and why it is important: Click to access Marriage_E-Book_Download.pdf

Socialist Oligarchy

Someone on Twitter told me that part of my tag line, “socialist oligarchy”, was a dichotomy of terms. My immediate response was that that was an untrue statement, according to every socialist government which had ever existed. But it is actually deeper than that: property is THE fundamental human right. What you have built, what …

The Marriage Agenda and Fear

So, now apparently the idea is to post pictures on the Facebook accounts of anyone who supports REAL marriage, accusing them of being “afraid”. Never mind the big post I made yesterday explaining my position; ignore it, I can only be objecting out of “fear” (a la Michael Moore’s ‘Bowling for Columbine’). A variation of …

Of Nuns and Feminism

Covering the Vatican elections, CBS news this morning had a spot with a guest referred to as “the Rebel Nun” (I could only watch it intermittently). One statement that she made was “feminism is the radical idea that men and women are equal.” Not only is this statement incorrect, it is every bit as erroneous …

Why Rove is Wrong

Karl Rove, et al., recently announced the formation of the so-called “Conservative Victory Fund”, with the stated goal of “helping the most conservative candidate who can win.” There has been a lot of debate on whether this is an anti-Tea Party group (it is), or whether it’s just a protection fund for establishment Republicans (a.k.a., …

Take My Rights, Please!

Wendy Button has written an op-ed piece for the New York Times asking the Federal Government to repeal the Second Amendment. Because like, one time, she was totally in danger, but, like, the police saved her, and she totally suffers from depression, so if she had a gun, she’d kill herself. And, like, lots of …

Executive Fiat

Well, I’ve been away for a little bit; mostly with training, some with illness. The big news right now is the battle which I hope is shaping up between Congress and the President, as President Obama issues executive order after executive order regarding victim disarmement. Several sheriffs have already posted on Facebook that no such …

IPCC Fifth Report Leaked

This was actually three weeks ago, but this isn’t really a super-topical blog. Apparently, the trend continues of the real world stubbornly refusing to conform to the IPCC’s predictions of catastrophic super-warming and global disaster. This is much in keeping with what I’m currently reading in Heartland Institute’s new report, as well. I’m fighting a …

Victim Disarmament Legislation Being Introduced

Senator Feinstein is slated to introduce new victim disarmament legislation today, and we all know that the President is keen to sign as much of it as he can. This would be a great time to start contacting your Congressmen and letting reminding them that their job is to protect your rights. The Congressional Switchboard …

U.S. Senate Fact-Checking Movies Suddenly?

Senators Feinstein, McCain and others apparently sent a letter to the director of the CIA demanding a fact-check of a Hollywood movie. While I find the idea of fact-checking a work of fiction a bit ridiculous, I have to wonder why this movie in particulare was called on? Why wasn’t this level of Senatorial diligence/time …