Ludicrous Leftists

Just so that everyone understands: 1: When people of Western European descent adapt practices of other cultures, it is “appropriation”. 2: When people of Western European descent do NOT adapt practices of other cultures, it is racism. 3: When other cultures adapt practices from Western European traditions, it is imperialism by the Europeans. All clear …

Conversations with Socialists 1NOV15

Him: “There seems to be a consensus that giving to the poor is great, but “stealing” others’ money to do so isn’t.” Me: That should be obvious to anyone with a brain. Him: “So welfare for those in need is corrupt and anti-Christian,” Me: If it is funded by money taken by force, yes. On …

The Necessity of Negative Theology

In theology, regardless of religious background, there are essentially two types of statements which can be made.  The first is cataphatic theology, or positive theology; the practice of making positive statements about the nature of God.  God is good, God is love, God is universal consciousness, etc.  While this sort of practice can be useful to …

Conversations With Atheists 5

This conversation occurred in a discussion thread for a video by Dr. William Craig regarding the nature of First Cause.  The atheist in question posted an identical set of objections to basically everyone who did not react negatively to the video.  Unlike previous posts, this is not paraphrased; I have simply copied and pasted the final …

Conversations with Atheists 4

Paraphrased for brevity and clarity: —– Atheist: But you are assuming that there has to be some objective moral “truth”.  That’s just an opinion.  Morality is just about bringing the greatest good to the most people. Me: Here is a fact: If your last statement were true, then it would be an “objective moral truth”.  Here …

Conversations with Atheists 3

Paraphrased for brevity and clarity: —– Him: You can’t possibly be so stupid and uneducated as to dismiss the theory of evolution. Me: Intelligent Design is a theory of evolution.  There are several. Him: No, there aren’t! Me: Certainly there are.  Darwinism, Neo-Darwinism, Catastrophism, and Intelligent Design off the top of my head.  I believe …

No War on Christianity..?

Well, I’m back folks.  I was in Germany for three weeks, and recovering from jet lag for another…  I can’t really say that I’m happy about what has been going on in the U. S. while I was away (see below for a brief summary of my opinion on the SCOTUS “marriage” ruling).  Since returning, …

Questions About my Religious Development

One of the posts which established the current direction of my blog. Still pretty good.