Warming, Viruses, and Conspiracies

People seem disappointed that I’m not immediately jumping on the bandwagon with Dr. Li-Meng Yan’s claim that SARS-COV-2 is a man-made Chinese bioweapon.  There seems to have been some sort of belief that because I oppose the Anthropogenic Global Warming hypothesis and all policies based on it, I must be a fellow conspiracy theorist. So, …

If General Relativity were Written Today

—– Nature and other peer-review journals would send letters like this: Dear Dr. Einstein: Thank you for your submission.  However, as you well know, the scientific consensus maintains that light propagates through the medium of luminiferous aether. These real-world measurements of sunlight are irrelevant; when the data is entered into the computer programs which we wrote, …

Question for Infanticide-Enablers

I understand that this is going to be a bit sciency-technical for people who think that killing a baby is something that “a woman does to her own body”.  So, I’m going to try not to delve too deeply into things like, you know, EMBRYOLOGY. But quick question: How do you explain chicken eggs being …

Conversations With Atheists 5

This conversation occurred in a discussion thread for a video by Dr. William Craig regarding the nature of First Cause.  The atheist in question posted an identical set of objections to basically everyone who did not react negatively to the video.  Unlike previous posts, this is not paraphrased; I have simply copied and pasted the final …

Conversations with Atheists 3

Paraphrased for brevity and clarity: —– Him: You can’t possibly be so stupid and uneducated as to dismiss the theory of evolution. Me: Intelligent Design is a theory of evolution.  There are several. Him: No, there aren’t! Me: Certainly there are.  Darwinism, Neo-Darwinism, Catastrophism, and Intelligent Design off the top of my head.  I believe …