Conversations with Socialists 1NOV15

Him: “There seems to be a consensus that giving to the poor is great, but “stealing” others’ money to do so isn’t.” Me: That should be obvious to anyone with a brain. Him: “So welfare for those in need is corrupt and anti-Christian,” Me: If it is funded by money taken by force, yes. On …

Why I Don’t Support Ron Paul

Some people wonder why, if I am supporter of more-limited government, I never supported Ron Paul.  The short answer: his foreign policy is bunch of conspiracy-theory inspired COO-COO. Here’s Dr. Paul in 2008.  There had just been an incident in which small Iranian boats threatened to blow up US Navy warships, and then started dropping …


I’m still catching up on drafts that I saved while I was out-of-town. So, here is a link to the Senate Intelligence Report sponsored by Senator Feinstein which was released (redacted) a few weeks ago: sscistudy1 I will admit, I did not read the entire thing. The incessant back-stabbing, Monday-morning quarterbacking, and just plain mis-representation …

Marine Corps Sling

Unfortunately, it has been too many years since I’ve seen one live and up-close. Can anybody still in the USMC/Navy tell me if this looks like J-hook style sling used in rifle qualification? I’m getting tired of the Army-style sling and I want to put my own on the next time I qualify:

ISIS seizes non-existent weapons plant

Happily, the weapons are PROBABLY too old to be of use. Of course, there are still people who wouldn’t believe these sites existed if ISIS actually USED the weapons. Just a short post today–and, God willing, there won’t be a reason for a follow-up.

Happy Memorial Day

Before you read any farther in the post, if you have not already done so, please spend a moment in silence–or better, prayer–for those who have fallen in service to the United States of America. My own service began 19 years ago in the United States Marine Corps’ Delayed Entry Program. I have served in …

Invasions: Syria vs. Iraq

I know I’ve promised several posts which I have not delivered, but I’ve been unbelievably busy lately. As soon as I can get to them, I still think they’re all worthwhile. In the meantime, I wanted to offer a quick thought on the “Invasion of Syria vs. Invasion of Iraq” comparisons which are going through …

Private Valentine

I just saw a preview for what appears to be a straight-to-DVD Jessica Simpson movie, Private Valentine: Blonde and Dangerous. I’m not surprised that Hollywood didn’t put this in the cinema, since it seems to involve a largely sympathetic portrayal of the U. S. military. The closest thing that I have to a complaint is …