One Must Go

Do I have any lawyer friends who are up for a *real* challenge?  🙂 In the 2012 U.S. Supreme Court case, “Arizona v. the United States,” SCOTUS ruled that Arizona could not enact its own immigration law, because Federal immigration law existed. Therefore, the existence of the National Firearms Act (not to mention the Second …

Warming, Viruses, and Conspiracies

People seem disappointed that I’m not immediately jumping on the bandwagon with Dr. Li-Meng Yan’s claim that SARS-COV-2 is a man-made Chinese bioweapon.  There seems to have been some sort of belief that because I oppose the Anthropogenic Global Warming hypothesis and all policies based on it, I must be a fellow conspiracy theorist. So, …

Just a Little Reality-Check

Dear liberals: No matter what anyone claims, the Federal budget is 100% the responsibility of Congress. Period, full stop. Dear Conservatives: RIFs only apply to planned furloughs, not emergency shut-downs. This is not a brilliant master plan.

GWB Buys Some Pizza;*OUTRAGE*

You know, George W. Bush was not a “great” President. He got ambushed by the repercussions of Bill Clinton’s policies, and while he was trying to do what needed to be done, he was continually set upon by some very powerful powerful folks. Nancy Pelosi, architect of the current crisis, being prime among them. His …

Historical Update

I have been trying to post some historical data regarding previous Federal Shut-downs, but it is proving impossible to find the articles for which I am searching.  Therefore, I wanted to take a moment to record some data for future use.  Before I begin, I must note that I voted for Donald Trump neither in the …

Conversations with Wannabe Despots 06JUNE18

From Twitter (paraphrased for brevity and clarity): Them: “Public businesses have to be open for the whole public!” Me: It was a private business. Them: “Conservatives never consider that businesses are supported by police and fire departments. No business is an island.” Me: If anyone had the choice to opt out, that would be a …

Ludicrous Leftists

Just so that everyone understands: 1: When people of Western European descent adapt practices of other cultures, it is “appropriation”. 2: When people of Western European descent do NOT adapt practices of other cultures, it is racism. 3: When other cultures adapt practices from Western European traditions, it is imperialism by the Europeans. All clear …

Good-bye, Republican Party

I held my nose last election and voted for the “moderate” Republican to block Obama from another term, but voting for a Clinton-loving liberal to keep a Clinton out of office is an exercise in futility.  Republicans, you had the most principled conservative since Calvin Coolidge, and you threw him away. Trump says he doesn’t …

Conversations with Socialists 1NOV15

Him: “There seems to be a consensus that giving to the poor is great, but “stealing” others’ money to do so isn’t.” Me: That should be obvious to anyone with a brain. Him: “So welfare for those in need is corrupt and anti-Christian,” Me: If it is funded by money taken by force, yes. On …

If General Relativity were Written Today

—– Nature and other peer-review journals would send letters like this: Dear Dr. Einstein: Thank you for your submission.  However, as you well know, the scientific consensus maintains that light propagates through the medium of luminiferous aether. These real-world measurements of sunlight are irrelevant; when the data is entered into the computer programs which we wrote, …