H. R. 1591

Nanci Pellosi led a vote to withdraw the troops from Iraq today, winning by a slim margin. A quick perusal of the bill demonstrates that votes were bought with barrels and barrels of "pork"–from money for peanut storage to rent assistance. I am unable to paste a working link directly to the bill for some …

Richard Gere

Jeanne Wolf, an entertainment writer, yesterday defended Richard Gere's anti-American nonsense by saying that he "loves peace," and therefore what he sees on TV everyday must be "deeply troubling" for him. This leads to a question that I must ask Mr. Gere, and everyone else who dedicates their energies to America bashing and terrorist appeasement:  …

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed

On the 10th of March, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed was heard by a military tribunal to determine whether he was, in fact, to be considered an "enemy combatant."  Former Federal Prosecutor John Flannery was interviewed by Fox News, where he stated that not only could the military not give a fair trial to Mohammed, but, "they didn't!"  …

8 Dec 2006

Hello, everyone! I was speaking with one of my friends at work the other day about resources on the internet regarding self-initiation; he said he’d considered it, but it always sounded too erotic to him. I said that if he found the word “self” too erotic, he’d been single longer than I had… A hip-hop …