Good-bye, Republican Party

I held my nose last election and voted for the “moderate” Republican to block Obama from another term, but voting for a Clinton-loving liberal to keep a Clinton out of office is an exercise in futility.  Republicans, you had the most principled conservative since Calvin Coolidge, and you threw him away. Trump says he doesn’t …

Conversations with Atheists 3

Paraphrased for brevity and clarity: —– Him: You can’t possibly be so stupid and uneducated as to dismiss the theory of evolution. Me: Intelligent Design is a theory of evolution.  There are several. Him: No, there aren’t! Me: Certainly there are.  Darwinism, Neo-Darwinism, Catastrophism, and Intelligent Design off the top of my head.  I believe …

Questions About my Religious Development

One of the posts which established the current direction of my blog. Still pretty good.

Adventures of an Amateur Hoplologist

Japanese Girlfriend: “Hey, there’s a karate tournament this weekend!” *hands me a paper* Me: Oh, let’s see…  This guy does Shorin-ryu, this guy does Goju-ryu, this guy does Shorin, Shorin, Goju… No, he does Uechi-ryu… Japanese Girlfriend: “I thought you couldn’t read Japanese?” Me: I can’t.  I can tell what style they practice by how …

My Guilty-Pleasure Movies

This list is by not exhaustive; I will probably think of several more as soon as my head hits the pillow this morning.  :-/  However, here is at least a partial list of B-movies, bombs, and otaku-fodder that I would gladly miss a few hours of sleep to watch again: The Last Action Hero A …

Conversations with Atheists 2

Paraphrased for brevity and clarity: —– Her: You don’t need god (sic) to explain creation. Multiple universes explains exactly how our universe came to be. Me: Even if it were a valid hypothesis, which it isn’t, MUT only pushes First Cause back one step. It doesn’t eliminate the logical necessity. Her: It’s more valid that …

Classics of Japanimation

Okay, anime fans: I’m trying to put together a list of exemplary Japanimation. Not necessarily personal favorites, but features and series that really define the genre. Help me out? Here’s what I’ve got so far: Dragonball Dragonball Z Sailor Moon Neon Genesis Evangelion Cowboy Bebop Ah! My Goddess Akira Ghost in the Shell Ninja Scroll

Training and Nutrition Regimen

Exercise: I have a lot of physically-oriented goals this year, since I finally find myself in a good place to start moving forward again. My training (I don’t ‘work out’; I train for specific goals) regimen will largely based on past successes. Sunday: Rest Day (Church) Monday: Daily Seven, Treadmill Tuesday: Daily Seven, Powerlifting A/B …

Goals for January 2015

Items in bold italics have been accomplished: Bench Press: 125# Squat: 120# Deadlift: 185# Power Clean: 95# Treadmill: 5.9 mph @ 1% incline x 45 minutes (Close-Grip Supinated) Lat Pull-Down: 120# x 5 Reps Half-Squats x 10 Reps Elevated Australian Pull-Ups (5) x 10 Reps Full Push-Ups x 10 Reps Flat Leg Raises x 10 …