Just a Little Reality-Check

Dear liberals: No matter what anyone claims, the Federal budget is 100% the responsibility of Congress. Period, full stop. Dear Conservatives: RIFs only apply to planned furloughs, not emergency shut-downs. This is not a brilliant master plan.

Historical Update

I have been trying to post some historical data regarding previous Federal Shut-downs, but it is proving impossible to find the articles for which I am searching.  Therefore, I wanted to take a moment to record some data for future use.  Before I begin, I must note that I voted for Donald Trump neither in the …

Ludicrous Leftists

Just so that everyone understands: 1: When people of Western European descent adapt practices of other cultures, it is “appropriation”. 2: When people of Western European descent do NOT adapt practices of other cultures, it is racism. 3: When other cultures adapt practices from Western European traditions, it is imperialism by the Europeans. All clear …

Conversations with Socialists 1NOV15

Him: “There seems to be a consensus that giving to the poor is great, but “stealing” others’ money to do so isn’t.” Me: That should be obvious to anyone with a brain. Him: “So welfare for those in need is corrupt and anti-Christian,” Me: If it is funded by money taken by force, yes. On …

If General Relativity were Written Today

—– Nature and other peer-review journals would send letters like this: Dear Dr. Einstein: Thank you for your submission.  However, as you well know, the scientific consensus maintains that light propagates through the medium of luminiferous aether. These real-world measurements of sunlight are irrelevant; when the data is entered into the computer programs which we wrote, …

Question for Infanticide-Enablers

I understand that this is going to be a bit sciency-technical for people who think that killing a baby is something that “a woman does to her own body”.  So, I’m going to try not to delve too deeply into things like, you know, EMBRYOLOGY. But quick question: How do you explain chicken eggs being …

Conversations with Gun-Control Lunatics

Paraphrased for brevity and clarity: —– Me: Not that human rights should ever be negotiable, but if gun-control were really effective at saving lives, why is the murder rate so high in Chicago, which has some of the strictest gun control in the nation? Her: The crime in Chicago is high because of guns brought …

Conversations with Atheists 4

Paraphrased for brevity and clarity: —– Atheist: But you are assuming that there has to be some objective moral “truth”.  That’s just an opinion.  Morality is just about bringing the greatest good to the most people. Me: Here is a fact: If your last statement were true, then it would be an “objective moral truth”.  Here …

No War on Christianity..?

Well, I’m back folks.  I was in Germany for three weeks, and recovering from jet lag for another…  I can’t really say that I’m happy about what has been going on in the U. S. while I was away (see below for a brief summary of my opinion on the SCOTUS “marriage” ruling).  Since returning, …


You know, say what you will about Liam Neeson being a fascist, gun-grabbing lunatic. Or a totally hypocritical jackass in his uber-violent criminal movies. But at least he’s trying to make physics popular! I’m not sure what constant temperature (T) x The Glaisher-Kinkelin constant (A) x the equilibrium constant (K) x (3N) has to do …