Just a Little Reality-Check

Dear liberals: No matter what anyone claims, the Federal budget is 100% the responsibility of Congress. Period, full stop. Dear Conservatives: RIFs only apply to planned furloughs, not emergency shut-downs. This is not a brilliant master plan.

Historical Update

I have been trying to post some historical data regarding previous Federal Shut-downs, but it is proving impossible to find the articles for which I am searching.  Therefore, I wanted to take a moment to record some data for future use.  Before I begin, I must note that I voted for Donald Trump neither in the …

Conversations with Socialists 1NOV15

Him: “There seems to be a consensus that giving to the poor is great, but “stealing” others’ money to do so isn’t.” Me: That should be obvious to anyone with a brain. Him: “So welfare for those in need is corrupt and anti-Christian,” Me: If it is funded by money taken by force, yes. On …

Why Freedom Beats Socialism

“Real wages rose by 50 percent and the portion of the population in acute poverty fell from 50 to 15 percent.” Although not exactly the economy I would plan–they have light income tax and no sales tax–Hong Kong nevertheless remains the exemplar of free-market economics in the world today.  Especially when compared to it’s Socialist …